Anne Keating is a graphic designer, Riso printmaker and DIY sound circuits enthusiast.
M.F.A. SVA Products of Design, 2022. (see PoD work at keatingstudio.com)
SVA CE Summer Showcase, NYC, 2023.
MoCCA, RisoLAB table, NYC, 2024.
New York Art Book Fair (NYABF), RisoLAB table, NYC, 2024.
“Dyke+ArtHaus Visits the Bureau” Show at the Bureau for General Services-Queer Division bookstore located at The Center, NYC, 2024.
M.F.A. SVA Products of Design, 2022. (see PoD work at keatingstudio.com)
SVA CE Summer Showcase, NYC, 2023.
MoCCA, RisoLAB table, NYC, 2024.
New York Art Book Fair (NYABF), RisoLAB table, NYC, 2024.
“Dyke+ArtHaus Visits the Bureau” Show at the Bureau for General Services-Queer Division bookstore located at The Center, NYC, 2024.